
Prices & Commission info

Before proceeding please acknowledge the followingWe require that all clients are 18 years old or older, we won’t work with you if your a minor nor though your parents. We may request to see your ID if we feel it’s necessary.Canadians
Unfortunately from now on all Canadian clients will be required to paya 10% tax fee on top of the commission cost.
Payment methods
At the time we are only able to accept Sqare, E-tansfer (canada only) and Etsy (however taxes that
are out of my control may be applied even if outside of
Orders of $500 or less need to be paid upfront, payment plans cannot exceed six months.
Faux fur/Materials
99% of the faux fur and minky we use is from Bigzfabric, if you would need a sortant fur that is from a
different provider you will be charged an extra
(amount) due to the difference in material cost.
Below are our base prices in USD, The final cost will vary depending on the complexity of the character you wish to have made & any additional features you may desire.
The shipping cost is not included in the cost of the suit and will be calculated & due when the suit is completed.

Commissions prices


Puffy hand paws

we unfortunately no longer make non-puffy hand paws (flat paws)


~One to two fur colours
~One paw pad colour
~Stuffed paw pads
~Full or half lining


~Minky claws +15$
~Large minky claws +30$
~ Spotted paw paws +10-15$
~Vinly claws +30$
~Vinly paw pads +35$
~Vinly claws & paw pads +55$
~Finger escapes 10$


Kloofsuit with dewclaws


Feline YBLsuits

Half arm paws
(elbow length)

Arm paws
(paws with attached arms)

Feet paws

Please note that our feet paws don't include shoes, as they are made using patterns from SplitGrapeSoda that don't require them


~One to two fur colours
~One paw pad colour
~Stuffed paw pads
~Full ling


~Minky claws +20$
~Large minky claws +30$
~ Spotted paw paws +15-20$
~Vinly claws +35$
~Vinly paw pads +30$
~Vinly claws & paw pads +60$

Plantigrade Feet paws



Slim feet paws



Digigrade Feet paws




While we mostly use our own patterns for tails, we also use some by other creators. Which we credited when posting the final product.

The overall price will vary on the length and complexity

Size chartin inches
Numb20 or less
Floor dragger45-45


~One to two fur colours
~Two elastic belt loops


~Hidden belt loops +10$
~Zipper for unstuffing +10$
~ Zipper pocket +15$
~Spikes or feathers +5$ech




Large 130$

Floor dragger

FD with full feather fan



~One to two fur colours
~(Arms) Elastic back strap


~Lining +20$ (per set)
~(Arms) Adjustable back strap & clip +5$

Arms or legs
Both 180$


We require that a DuckTape dummy is sent to us.Digitigrade bodysuits automatically come with digi feet paws. Unless you already have a set by us, since the ankle acts as part of the padding.


~One to two fur colours
~Two elastic belt loops


~Hidden belt loops +10$
~Zipper for unstuffing +10$
~ Zipper pocket +15$
~Spikes or feathers +5$ech

Full Plantigrade

Full Digitigrade

Unfortunately, we don't have examples that represent our current quality for half bodys

Plantigrade half body

Digitigrade half body

Head only

Standard foam head 1150$
made on the TKC k9 base or using kloofsuit pattern
If you want us to work with a specific base the cost of that said base will be added to the initial base price. It’s possible to work with a base that includes moving jaw however, we do not guarantees proper function.
Cost will probably end up being more towards 1400$


~ 2-3 fur colours.
~ simple markings.
~ 1-2 minky colours.
~ 3-D follow me eyes.
~ Full lining no exposed foam or fur backing.
~ one set of eyelids.
~ Standard fabric teet.
~ static jawm (nonmoving).


~ Zipper in back of head +15$.
~ Spikes or feathers +5$ech.
~ eyelids +15$ per set.
~ magnetic removable hair +20$.
~ horns +10-15$ per set.
~ 3-D printed/resin teeth + 20-30$.
~ Full fabric teeth jaw set + 35$.
~ adjustable head size via Hook and loop straps + 25$

Standard foam head examples


All prices for any extras remain the same

Mini partial A (Head, hand paws , M tail)

Mini partial B (Head, hand + p feet paws , M tail)1666$

Partial A (Head, hand paws, m tail, arms)

Partial B (head, hand + feet paws, m tail, arms)


All prices for any extras remain the same

Full plantigrade (Head, hand + feet paws, m tail, plan bodysuit)

Picture provided by client :)

Full Digigrade (Head, hand + feet paws, m tail, Digi bodysuit)

What to expect when commissioning us/how to

In order to commission us you are required to be a minimum of 18 years old, be able to provide us with accurate measurements or a DTD if project requires it and have a Digital Reference (ref sheet), we recommend that the reference is of 2 to 3 views at minimum and has no shading.What if I don’t have a reference sheet?
That is a great question!
You can either commission one from an artist or make one yourself using a base you can find on Google. Please do not use stolen or Ai artwork as it will not be accepted.

Here is a list of artists that I would recommend, I must also mention that I am not responsible for any poor services from them.

To start off, are you interested in a parts only order or head+?
as you will be required to fill out the quote form that corresponds with your type of commission!
We would like to keep our quotes free however, we will put a limit of three free per individual that doesn’t actually order. then after that you will be required to pay five dollars per quote (that five dollars would be going towards the cost of the project).When filling out the form please double check your answers and answer every question at the fullest of your capability, as once it is submitted it cannot be edited. Any forms missing information will be deleted and ignored.

The forms aren’t available at the moment, they will be once we open for commissions officially. Quotes aren’t open at the moment.

Once you submitted your form, please allow us a period of time of up to seven days to get back to you with your quote. We also recommend letting us know you submitted a form! sometimes Google likes to be silly and throw our notifications in the spam folder :(.We may message you with some questions we need to calculate your quote, such as what materials and/or fur colors we would recommend for the project.Quotes normally include:
> The final cost of the suit
> List of the materials we intend on using (colours confirmed by you before project is started)
> An estimate of how long it could take us to complete it.
> And sometimes the shipping cost when dealing with part orders.
Once you receive your quote, it will be valid for a period of three months or until stock changes (if it would use in stock materials).
Please get back to us whether you decide to go forward with the commission or not! we would rather get an answer then being ghosted :).
If choosing to go forward with the commission, you will be required to pay a minimum of 30% of the cost of your suit within the first 24 hours to claim your slot. This 30% is a nonrefundable down payment.
Once the first payment is received we will create a card on our Trello that you will be able to follow progress with, we also have a Telegram channel that we post almost daily!, that show work in progresses.
(You can ask for us not to show your suit until you receive it).
Note that all orders that are $500usd or less will need to be paid upfront in full, no exceptions.For larger orders, you can either pay in full upfront or up for our few payment plan options.
Some of the payments plan options may not be offered to certain individuals who might be problematic or are known to not make payments.
Plan 1: you pay the 30% down payment upfront and the remaining amount by monthly payments. The total amount of your suit will be divided by a maximum of six months. This is to ensure that customers wait no longer than a year for their commissions.Plan 2: you pay 75% of the cost of the suit upfront and the remaining amount once the suit is completed including the shipping cost.Once we are getting close to starting your suit we will order the materials, once materials arrive we will confirm they look good with you before starting.
Once it is your turn we will begin making your suit and send you lots of work in progress pictures and updates when we have them. Meaning please do not message us daily for updates, we are already doing our best to provide them when we have some.
How long can I expect to wait?
This question truly depends on our queue!
However In a situation where our queue is empty and we would need to wait for materials to arrive, it could take us an estimated period of time of.

Minimum wait timeMonths
Body suit3-6
Head only2-4
Full suit6-8

Please take into consideration that we no longer offer rush orders, it is simply too stressful & increase unnecessary pressure on us.
However, we would recommend mentioning if you do have a convention coming up to see if it could be possible with our minimum time frames. However I am not responsible nor am I required to meet that deadline.

As previously mentioned as progress advances on your suit we will send you multiple work in progress, even ask you some questions before making final decisions to make sure you are 100% satisfied with the final product.
If during that stage of the commission you are unhappy with any thing on your suit please let us know! as once the soon is completed we won’t be making any unnecessary changes (some changes may be accepted to be done however fees will be applied).
Once your suit is completed and you are satisfied with the results it will be packed up and the shipping cost will be calculated. The shipping cost is to be paid within two weeks maximum, after all you did have a few months to save up for it.
If you’ve paid using payment Plan B you will also be required to pay the remaining 25% of the cost of your suit on top of the shipping cost.
The overall shipping cost will vary on the item ordered and what country it’s being shipped to, I have no control over the costs unfortunately.
Please note that you may also be required to pay customs fees if you are outside of Canada. These are your responsibilities as per being the client.
Please note that once you receive your suit it activates your limited warranty!
Note that while the repairs themselves are most likely to be free you will be required to be able to pay the shipping both ways.
Our warranty only covers normal wear and tear or sizing issues that was our fault. If you do any editing to your suit it automatically voids the warranty. We will also not work on suits that have been used in adult gestures for health reasons.

Body suit6
Head only6
Full suit12

Remember to read our terms of services if you haven’t yet! Further information about our commissions can be found in it :)